Jambo Spaces is a creator hub with a unique collection of community-themed spaces made up of creator spaces, podcast spaces, a music studio, event spaces, co-working spaces and resources and activities curated to  serve and enable the African creative  professional community.  Jambo has one purpose, and that is to “Empower African Youth To Turn Their Creativity Into Currency” . 

Jambo Spaces was started in Accra on 1st  May 2023. It was built to curb the challenges of African youth with tremendous talent who are yet unable to realize their full potential due to the lack of access to basic needs that hinder them. Basic things like stable internet, stable electricity, space to create, access to a community and most importantly the education and technological know-how. The African creative economy is a very much untapped space, and Jambo aims to contribute millions of dollars to it by providing a space that enables African creatives to amplify their craft.

At Jambo spaces, a simple “Hello” is our first step to building community

The name “Jambo” is a Swahili greeting which translates into English as Hello. It was originally used by traders in East Africa as a welcome to do business. A suitable name for a space that thrives on community building , riding off the philosophy that every meaningful business relationship begins with a Hello. Whenever you visit, don't forget to say JAMBO instead of Hello.

Experience our amazing space.